#Our Softwares
School Management Software & Live Classes
(For School, College & Training Centers)
School Management Software with Live Classes facility . Keeps your School data safe from any mishappening.
Live Class, Students Module, One Click Attendance, Teachers Module, Certificate Module, Communication Module, Library, Transport and Hostel Module available, Examination Module, Fees Collection Module, Report Module, Homework Module, Staff User, Parents Module For Student Monitoring.
Software Modules
Live Class
Using this module teacher/staff create live online classes using Zoom service. Students can join these classes from Online School Manager user panel or mobile app. Staff can also create live meetings.
Examination Module
The examination is the most important academic activity to evaluate student ability and performance. It includes a wide range of processes from exam timetable arrangement to the creation of progress reports of students.
Students Module
The Student Module provides you with an easy to use Admission form that captures all your important student data. It can support your student and parents details etc.
Fees Collection Module
Management has full control over the entire process of Fees Collection. Institute can track and manage paid/outstanding fees easily.
One Click Attendance
The Attendance activity is designed for teachers to be able to take attendance during class, and for students to be able to view their own attendance record.
Report Module
The software generates various reports like fees collection, student result, student/staff attendance, salary reports, account, student progress report, etc.
Teachers Module
This module can easily maintain whole admission procedures of Staff,Attendance,leave and payroll with paperless.
Homework Module
Daily Homework updates, helps Parent in closely monitoring the child’s academic performance ,It is very important for Student and Parents both.
Certificate Module
The software generates various reports like student result, character Certificate,Transfer Certificate, sport report, etc.The report card module allows your school to print your student report cards directly.
Staff User
A school employee management module helps to manage data about employees flawless and precisely manages employees leave and salary information. Data available on a single click.
Communication Module
There are chances of occurrence of a disaster or emergency situation at the time of school and management needs to communicate the parents immediately. It provides one of the best ways to communicate with them through Bulk SMS.
Parents Module For Student Monitoring
Parent module is for parents to track information about their child/student. A parent can get updates about their children, homework, assignments and fee payment details from time to time.
Library , Transport and Hostel Module available
We cover this module for tracking and maintain the Transportation, Library and all Hostel details. Transportation management module includes vehicle name, route details, transportation fees, etc.
System Settings
The administrator can have full control over the different activities of the General Setting, Email Setting, Payment Methods, Session Setting, Role Permission & Modules etc.