#Our Softwares
Real Estate Management Software
Streamline your sales, customer & associate related data at one place with the Real Estate management Software.
Add Multiple Real Estate Project/Site Details:
The software is designed to add multiple site details, add google map link for those sites. Also map the sites with multiple sectors/blocks of a project/site.
Add Plot Details
Add plot details for every plots and map to specific project/site and sector/block. Mark its status as available, on hold, booked, registry, plot alloted.
Search Engine
High end search facility based on site name, block, plot availability, plot no.
Multi user role
Create Admin, Manager, Associate, Client
Admin Dashboard where admin can manage Project/Site details, manage, associate details, client details
Associate Dashboard
A dashboard for associate where they can see the details of allotted plot to them by Real estate company. Associate can also see the details of the clients that have bought plots from them.
Email notification
Send email notification to manager, associate and clients